This virtual open house is an information session that offers valuable insights and allows attendees to connect directly with Oregon State agencies to gain knowledge and enhance their path to State Employment in Oregon.
Directly engage with recruiters and hiring managers to learn about their missions, values, and visions for serving the people of Oregon while gaining valuable insights into the career opportunities available within these organizations.
This event is open to anyone interested in exploring state employment in Oregon and provides a unique chance to connect with agency representatives and learn directly from them how to increase your chances of securing employment within their agency.
Don't Miss Out on This Valuable Opportunity!
Join us on either or both days and drop in at your convenience during the listed timeframes.
Wednesday 8/28/24 10 a.m. - Noon
Thursday 8/29/24 1 p.m. - 3p.m.
Register here!
Register early to come learn about Career Opportunities with:
-Oregon Department of Transportation
-Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services
-Oregon Youth Authority
-Oregon Department of Education
-Oregon Department of Revenue
-Oregon Department of State Lands
-Oregon Department of Human Services
-Oregon Water Resources Department
-Oregon Lottery
-Oregon Government Ethics Commission
-Oregon Housing & Community Services (OHCS)
-Oregon Department of Corrections
-Oregon Employment Department
-Oregon Parks And Recreation Department
-Business Oregon
-Oregon Commission for the Blind
-Oregon State Police
-Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission
-Oregon Department of Forestry
-Oregon Department of Justice
This is an opportunity to learn about the agencies who support Oregonians direct from the recruiters, Hiring Managers and HR teams who work for the individual agencies.
We look forward to seeing you there!